After fixing my hair 5 times now, my mom has finally given me the approval and of coming up here and now I know that I am ready. Good evening, Respected Father Crispino, Meena ma’am, Ms Aarti, Ms Anita, Heads of Departments, teachers, students, and THE BATCH OF 2021! Tskkkkk, 2021 does don't have such a nice ring to it so, I took the liberty to rename it to the class of square root 441. Oh, Dev is in the audience. Dev class of 2019+2.


I have known about this day for the past 4 weeks, but I started preparing last night. So, I treated this speech like a lot of science students treat their Chemistry papers. A lot of torn up sheets and a disapproving look from anyone who read it and a solid 12-hour praying session which led to nothing. So, at 10 pm, last night after ordering 3, 400-rupee coffees from Starbucks, that my mother will make sure I never forget. This speech and a headache were born.

I want all of you to look back to when you first joined DBIS. So much nostalgia. A lot has changed since then, like Liam’s hair colour, daily bread’s menu, my grades, and not to mention the school’s Guest Wi-Fi password.


On a more serious note, please raise your hands if you have ever been threatened by Aisha’s percentage. Look at her scores! How do you do it?

Let's circle back to the emotional part of the speech. When I joined DBIS in grade 8.

It was a change for me, a big one. I didn't know how to roast people, I was chubby. I used to be good at academics, BUT then I met the guys of 8B. YOU GUYS SPOILT ME, PATHETIC. Grade 8 was fun, everyone enjoyed it except me because my dumb soul was too scared to get my name in the discipline book. Shee, I was so dumb. Fast forward to grade 9, I can positively say it was the best year at school.

I don't think anyone studied in 9th except the additional math students. All we did was bunk dance and speech and drama classes and sit in the library and lie to Ms Aarti saying that our leg was sprained. And she believed us. Grade 9 was superior.

My speech would be incomplete if I don't speak about one person. He occupies a lot of space physically and mentally, MANN GARG, the inbound class terrorist. The guys who joined school for 7 months but was the first guy in the 7 years of DBIS to tell Priya ma’am, that class is over and has the audacity to look back at the clock during her class.

I am not going to speak about Grade 10 because I have only three memories. One setting up the mirror behind my study table, second, ranting about my Chemistry marks to Nakul and Nihal every week. The last memory, of Hersh. The guy who would call you up after every hour and ask what did you study?

Shalom is constantly signalling me that time is up so wrap it up.

I would like this speech by thanking a couple of people. One person who helped me throughout grade 8, 9 and 10. Thank you Aarjav for sharing your classwork, homework, files, folders, and everything that the teacher assigned. I would also like to thank all the guys and the gals for the fun experience. I would like to end this speech by paying tribute to some of the guys for executing some of the hardest operations, Black Chili, and Coin. I would also like to thank a group of 11 people, 6 guys and 5 girls, OH no never mind they moved Podar international, not important.

That’s it from my end. Have a good night