Last year has been unprecedented for the entire world. What we have gone through has changed our perspective and brought significant changes in our lives.

The student community has been equally impacted with no physical attendance and engagement in school. We all missed the fun of going to school, meeting friends & teachers, organising and participating in events and the most important, playing together. We all had to adapt to the new world of attending online classes and also appearing for online exams. This was fun in the early days, but the excitement wore out over a period of time.

Every year we used to have 20+ events however, this year we were not able to have as many events as last year, but we surely had some memorable ones. My personal favourite being organising, participating and chairing the online Model United Nations. The MUN was efficient, precise and much better than the offline MUNs we ever had. Another intriguing event this year was the Game Design Challenge in collaboration with CrackBox. In this event, the four houses in different ages groups came up with educational games that would aid the learning process.

Our sports department was the most innovative and came up with various events such as the Cross-Country Run and the Boscothon Marathon to ensure the physical wellbeing of students, teachers and parents in a virtual environment.

We have always been reading, "every crisis brings about new opportunities", and this time we experienced it ourselves. I must say the teachers and students adapted to this change swiftly and found enjoyment in the new ways of teaching and learning. Also, the student council of 2019-20 was probably the luckiest to hold these titles and responsibilities for 18 months instead of 12 months.

Hopefully, this academic year we will resume offline school integrated with the online tools to build a better learning environment. My best wishes to the new student council to take forward our journey of making DBIS a world-class learning institution.

Tejas Tagra Head Boy, Head of Student Council 2019-20 Don Bosco International School